Thursday 4 December 2014

TELItime - Tumblr Project

This concept is good, and bad. The idea of people seeing your private info and maybe things you didn't want others to know. This puts me of the idea. Then there are other things this 'blurb' might show, such as criminal records. This would (to me) be a positive aspect of this idea. So yeah, this concept has bad sides, and it's good sides. To make this concept better I would suggest a 'Deactivation' button of some sort. The Relationship status idea to me would be a good idea, just in case anyone got hurt of felt a bit jealous then did something they regretted. Overall I rate this concept/idea a 6 and a half out of 10.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Note Taking - Does Oscar The Cat Have A Sixth Sense?

-take notes and make notes reading an article

-use keywords and phrases to take notes
-use symbols and pics to take notes
-turn keywords, phrases, symbols and pics into full sentences.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge Reflection

Movie Challenge reflection
Embed your movie into your blog. Write a reflection underneath that outlines

1) What your group did well?
Our script was alright, we just weren't good actors.

2 ) What would YOU do differently next time?
Make it shorter, and take some scenes.

3) Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
We worked as a team but sometimes some people mucked around and it just took to many takes. I felt like the message was pretty good we just didn't show it that well. Camera angles is a big thing that we should change.

Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
-Quality of message
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
-Able to use film making conventions
Camera angles, dramatic intention
-Sound quality
Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Monday 3 November 2014

Life Ed Blog Post - TELItime

Addiction Process

-200 = Feeling Horrific
0 = Feeling Average
200 = Feeling Awesome!

If you are having a look at this graph you would probably be wondering, What does this "Addiction Process" graph actually have to do with addiction?! Well that's why I am typing this blog post to explain to you what addiction means. First of all if we don't know what the Legend is we can't really understand this graph. So take it like this, -200 = Feeling Horrific, 0 = Feeling Average, 200 = Feeling Awesome! There is also the numbers on the bottom. B4 means before the drug, and then after like 1 and -1 means (1) when you take the drug and you feel fantastic. and -1 when you like are having a withdraw from the drug and you feel horrific. Let's try put this into a narrative, there is a guy called Phillip and he recently made some new friends! But what he didn't know was that his friends were into Meth. So he got pressured into doing the drugs and he felt fantastic (apparently drugs make you feel that way). After the affect wore off he didn't feel normal he practically went on a low (opposite of high, kinda a joke). So he had the drug again because he loved the feeling of "feeling" fantastic! But he couldn't get to the feeling he had when he first had the drug because his body got used to that feeling so he kept going from high, to low. Eventually he became addicted. Eventually his wife found out about the drugs after she did some snooping when she realised he was acting rather peculiar. Once she found out she took his kids and went away and said "I'll come back with the kids when you quit!". So he tried too quit. And did after some hard work and never touched the drugs again. They also lived happily ever after. The end.

I hoped this helped you with understanding this graph and how addiction works, kinda.

Addiction is when you need a... drug (or the thing you are addicted too) to feel normal

F - Faster
A - Absorption
R - Rate

R - Give a Reason
E - Give an Excuse
A - Assertive
C - Change the Subject
H - Humour

W - Walk Away
I - Ignore
T - Tell Someone/Toughen Up
S - Say No!

M - Memory
R - Reasoning
J - Judgement
M - Movement
I - Intellect
C - Concentration
E - Emotions

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Methamphetamine Blog - TELItime Work

Methamphetamine has lots of names such as... Meth, Crank, Scooby Snax, Crystal Meth and the quite popular P.

Methamphetamine has lots of affects on the users like muscle loss, twitching (like tourette's syndrome), body temperature rising, teeth rotting, hallucinations and much more. Nearly everyone who has used P has been affected severely, wether they affected someone else or them selves they normally don't know until after the affect is over. Some people either killed or did some other horrible things. Like Antonie Dixon and Steve Williams (who to me did the worst).

Steve Williams ended a young child's life for forgetting something at home when he was dropping her off at school. So as you can see it ruins lives.

Antonie Dixon was convicted of theif and murder, he severed 2 womans hands with a samurai sword. He was tested and said to have meth in his blood.

Before and After Meth Picture:

Thursday 11 September 2014

Current Events Reading

Article Link: Here

P = I think this article is about Oscar Pistorious. And about how some days ago he was found "Not Guilty" for shooting hi girlfriend because he thought she was an intruder.
C = Culpable Homicide = This means he did mean to kill her but it was an accident?
Q = If he did go to jail, how long would he be in there for?
S = This article was basically about Oscar Pistorious, and how he was convicted of killing his girlfriend but was found not guilty.

P = Predict
C = Clarify
Q = Questions
S = Summarise

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Monthly Blog Post On Ginger Ninja

Yes, Ninja is asleep on the couch (again!), and no it is not the same day that I took the last picture (I am saying this because my parents asked me if this picture was taken on the sam day as my other one). Anyway Ninja has been normal in the past few weeks. The only change in his behaviour is that he is starting to be a bit of a hungus (he gets really hungry after he just had kai). That's the only thing I can say about Ninja this month but if anything pops up I'll probably update the post or make a new one.

Homework Challenge - P5

I have completed (yet another) Homework Challenge. I have not yet "finished" it but I am preparing for later on in the year (around 1 week). This activity (as you can see from the image) is from the category "Physical Activity and the Outdoors", I have circled the task I have completed. As you can see I had to complete a season of a sport. I haven't yet completed the season but I have one game to go so I am just planning ahead. The sport that I played for one season was Hockey. Hockey is an amazing sport and is really fun. It's not also fun but also competitive. With the opposition and your team mates. You challenge yourself a lot and push yourself to your limits (if you play hard enough). My team is the B team. Not the A. Not the C. The B. We were playing a grade above our grade that we were supposed to be in. So in other words we were playing against the A teams. We did play the A Boys and A Girls. We got thrashed against both of the teams. the Boys 7-0 and the Girls 2-0. Finally I would like to summarise the sport Hockey in a couple of words. Really fun and addictive. PS We also had the best coaches ever (Mr Jens and Mrs H)

Monday 8 September 2014

Prediction and Other Things About KiwiKids Article

Article Link Here

P = I think this article will be about... Two animals that make an unusual friendship. Either that or one of them helped the other with someone eg one of them was in trouble.
C = Nothing.
Q = No questions. The article is covers everything I want to know.
S = Technically, it is more of a video than a article but still covers a bit. It is about two unlikely friends basically (well to me).

P = Predict
C = Clarify
Q = Questions
S = Summarise

Sunday 7 September 2014

Article Comprehension (C.E Reading) - Questions and Answers

Article Comprehension:
  1. What causes cavities?
  2. What was the genius idea the scientists at OraganoBalance came up with to try combat cavities?
  3. What was the experiment they conducted to test their thesis? Was it successful?

Comprehension Answers:

1. People think that sugar is the main reason you get/have cavities. It is not. It is something in your saliva that feeds of the remains of the sugar (after you have finished digesting the food) and makes the cavities. It is called "streptococci mutants". They (like I said before) feed of the remains of the sugar while sticking to your teeth. While this is happening the spit of acid, this is the cavities.
2. The people of OraganoBalance had an idea that they could use a substance called "Lactobacillus Paracasei". This is a bacteria found (naturally) in milk products. The reason they got this bacteria was so it could bind with the streptococci mutants and this could result in the streptococci mutants getting dragged away from the teeth. It was an idea that seemed good because it was tested on rats (it seemed to work then).
3. The team at OraganoBalance made two batches of mint candy, each of these batches are coated with different dead types of lactobacillus paracasei. The third batch was bacteria free. They each then tested the candies. They found that the tests were successful and they did work.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Article Comprehension Questions - C.E Reading

Article Comprehension:

1. Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?
2. How did the zookeepers celebrate it?
3. What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?

Comprehension Answers:

1. He was americas favourite giant panda. Also he is said to be one of the most cutest animals ever (to American people).
2. They kept to the ancient Chinese tradition. The first part of the tradition was offering him one of three honey-dipped bamboo shoots. Next to each one of the bamboo shoots was a poster, the posters said "Long Life" "Many Cubs" and "Good Health", these were believed to tell his future. He picked the bamboo shoot with the "Long Life" next to it. They also made a nutritious cake made out of all sorts of juices like apple juice and beet juice and also had different shade of pink.
3. She learnt how to wrestle by "practicing" against a blue buoy. Her keepers are now trying to teach her to "Present her paw".

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today at school we had a subject that we did. It was called Dangerous Decibels. A decibel (Or db for short) is practically a way of measuring noise, like how if you want to know what something weighs you use grams or kilograms so on and so on. Anyway what we learnt at dangerous decibels was, what is a safe number of decibels that we can be around. The answer to that is 85 db. The highest decibel that I know something can go up to is 150, I just can't remember what that was that went that high. We also used these things called tuning forks. I learnt that these tools can break teeth if you whack them them put them to your teeth. Also if you whack them against something and then put them to your ear and it could damage your ear.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Homework Challenge - G1 (Give to families)

This is Thevanayagam Danisha she is 9 now in the photo she was 6 though. She lives in Sri Lanka and is now currently in grade 4 in her school. We have been sponsoring her for 2 and a half years now. She lives with her older brother, dad and mum. We sponsor her $40 a mont currently.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Homework task - G7 (Adopt a pet from the SPCA)

My family recently adopted a cat from the SPCA. His name is Ginger Ninja (based on the colour of his fur) but we call him Ninja for short. He is 19 weeks old, loves food and is very playful. He is annoying sometimes especially when he chooses to do his business (Poo) in your school bag which had your mouthguard in it. He is still a member of the family though and we love him. Every now and then we have these incidents with him when he runs off outside and we have this huge look for him and he is in a bedroom or something. Overall Ninja is a great member of the family and is fun to play with.

Thursday 24 July 2014

C.E Reading - Article Comprehension

Article Comprehension: Article link here

1.What are androids?
2.Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition? What are their respective roles?
3.Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots?

Comprehension Questions:

1.They are practically robots who look like humans. Like if you see the wax people in museums and stuff thats basically them with a robot interior. Sometimes they talk and act like humans and have a mind of its own like these robots in the article.
2.Kodomo, Otano and a smaller bot named Telenoid who is very small.
3. To me they are more difficult to build because of they way they look (Very realistic). And also the way they are wired and because they are within the "skin" of the the wax or something like that.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

C.E Reading - Comprehension Questions

Comprehension Questions:
1.Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat?
2.How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? What significant event occurred before the contest began?
3.What happened in the women's contest?

1. The main reason was because Japan's Takeru Kobayashi ate 50 hot dogs in a total of 12 minutes!, This making the contest more famous than it was originally. Also he ate a total of 61 hot dogs but felt like he ate 69.
2. Seven years and Nesile Ricasa had agreed to marry him on national television
3.Miki Sudo ate 34 Hot Dogs

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali Inquiry

This is a kind of ceremony almost. It is called a Canang Sari and it is an "offering" to the gods. This is sent to Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as thanks for the peace in the world.

The School in Bali is called "The green school". The have one the greenest school on earth award in 2012.

They eat dead skin of your feet and toes which makes your feet feel soft. the fish are called Garra Rufa.

Batik is using fabric designs and wax to make patterns and so on.

The Saraswati Temple is dedicated to a Hindu goddess called Saraswati.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Term 2 PMI Chart

Did squash this term and it was really fun :)
Didn’t get into the AIMS Games for anything.
I achieved my T.I.S Stars band in the final day of the term.
Got Coaches choice this term for hockey.
I didn’t do that good in the cross country this term.
My student conference went better than expected.
FIFA 2014 Started this term in brazil!!! :D
I got the last man standing one day and couldn’t use my laptop.
With the last man standing thing that I got I had to use my laptop so I was really practically useless.
I played hockey this term for my winter sport and got into the B team when I thought I was gonna get into the C

I am the youngest in the class which is pretty cool to me.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

TELItime - Caveman Article

1. How long ago did researchers say there was ancient turd in Spain?
2. Where did they find the traces of ancient turd?
3. What did all samples have a trace off?
4. When they did more tests what did they find that was unusual in the turd?
5. Who thinks the neanderthals ate differently to the climate changes etc?
6. What do the neanderthals use as tools that were quite unusual?
7. What are neanderthals close cousins to?


1. 50,000
2. Southern Spain
3. Traces of meat
4. Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts.
5. Anaira Sistiaga
6. Neanderthal teeth
7. Homo sapiens


- Use at least 3 of the 7 servants
- Questions must make sense
- Question MUST have a question mark.

Sunday 29 June 2014

C.E Reading - Comprehension questions

Article Comprehension Questions: Link to article
  1. How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?
  2. How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
  3. What is the organizer's main purpose for organizing this unusual competition?

Article Comprehension Answers:
1. It has been around for around 26 years in total and was held in Santa Rosa this year. The article says that there were 29 dogs that competed in this competition to earn the title of "Worlds Ugliest Dog".

2. He got his looks from bad scorch marks and burns from a fire which caused his eyelids to be burnt off, his lips are gone because of the fire. That is why he looks like what he looks like.

3.  Finding who deserves to earn the title "World Ugliest Dog"

Thursday 26 June 2014

Cross Country - From a pair of shoes point of view

My name is Kobie and I'm the right shoe. And my brothers name is John and he's the left shoe. We were used to this by now getting our faces pushed into mud and and other sorts of things like that. We belonged to a guy named Matthew he bought us at The Warehouse. We were getting ready for the race the Cross Country Run. Me and my brother John were excited kind of we liked running. We saw some other pairs of shoes, there looks saying "Bring it on"

Then we heard the count down "on your marks, get set..." and then there was a loud "BANG!!!" and we were off running through the herd of people like elephants that were around us. Dodging people in blue, orange some red and even green! Until someone in front of us fell over and then 3 more after that it slowed us down a bit, But we kept on going and going and going. We reached a hill by now but luckily we went down it. We raced down the hill passing around 7 people but we were still far from the front of the herd. By now we ran up a hill and slipped over some mud it was pretty fun and messy at the same time. But we didn't care we just kept running.

We came to our last lap we walked a lot and slipped over a lot of places but our final run and we boosted it. We ran then gradually gained and lost speed until we crossed the finish line. We came 115 which wasn't very good but at least we finished.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

C.E Reading

  1. What is so special about Migaloo?
  2. Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
  3. Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? is he the only one?


1. The Migaloo (White Fella) humpback whale was the first white whale to be documented. So this made it become a "special interest whale" in the area which then made boats and jet skis keep at least 500m away from the whale and planes 2km. If anyone breaching these rules would be charged with a fine of $12,500 AUD.

2. The Migaloo is so precious to australians becuase they were the first white whale to be documented. They also kind of follow the same migration path down the east coast of Australia. He also has a aboriginal name. Scientists think that Migaloo's have a skin condition called albinism, but the scientists haven't yet suppled evidence that the whales do have the skin condition. Also the whale can live up to 80 years of age.

3. People call the Migaloo the "hyper-pigmented" humpback because of the rare skin condition called albinism that scientists think Migaloo's have. A.W.W.R.C (Australia White Whale Research Center) think that Migaloo's are NOT the only humpback whale with the skin condition that scientists think Migaloo's have.

Critical Thinking Challenge
Do you think Migaloo's special color helps or hurts him from human predators? Why

Answer: I think it would help him keep away human predators becuase humans know that if they catch one of these whales they would know that alot of people would try to send the catcher to court.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

C.E Reading

  1. What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
  2. Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?
  3. Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013.


1. Sarah Rosado uses Kellogs Cornflakes to create her creative art.
2. It takes Sarah Rosado so long becuase she has to make a sketch of it and then she has to crush the cornflakes into the right size and use a needle to make the shape of the nose and mouth.
3. Sarah Rosado has made cornflake art of Bob Marley, Michael Jackson (king of pop), Alicia Keys and John Lennon. Sarah Rosado has promised to unveil an entire art piece made entirely out of dirt.

Critical Thinking Challenge:
1. Why do you think the artist picked Corn Flakes and not any other cereal?
2. Can you think of any other everyday food that could be used to create art?

1. I reckon because they are golden yellow and easy to crunch and maybe because you can get huge bags or boxes of them?
2. Well I think any everyday food could be used someone just has to be "creative" enough.

Word Search:

Tuesday 17 June 2014

C.E Reading


1. Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it?
2.What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?
3.Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon?


1. It was built in front of St Stephen basilica Budapest in Hungary. Some kids from John Dickinson High School with help from some professional lego builders from denmark.

2. You had to build the tower with no adhesives or other things like that and also take the wire out of the tower so it could be eligible for the world records.

3. The author thinks that other competitors around the world will try beat the record because in 2012 the record was broken 3 times and people were desperately fighting for the record.

Monday 16 June 2014

Current Events Reading


1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm?
2. How did they turn this way?
3. What are the crocodiles being bred for?


1. My opinion about why the crocs that live in Nyanyana crocodile farm are so unusual or different because rather than eating meat or their prey they prefer to snack on vegetarian meals. And also that it was an accident that the crocs went vegetarian by the owners of the farm not feeding them meat instead feeding them some vegetarian food that has nearly the perfect amount of protein and vitamins and stuff like that. I also think that they are unusual because there skin is thought to be softer than normal crocodiles skin that eat meat. Lastly another reason that I think they are unusual is because they are apparently more "mellow" (Relaxed) than other crocs that eat meat.

2. They turned vegetarian because the owners of the crocodile farm couldn't afford meat so they decided to save money and buy some vegetarian meals.

3.I think the crocs are being bred for their skin so people around the world can have crocodile skin handbags and other accessories that also need crocodile skin when made.

Critical Thinking:

Q: How do feel about crocodiles being bred for their skin?

A: I think people need to realise what would have happened if animals took over the world just like planet of the apes how we would feel if they bred then killed us for our skin to make handbags and slippers.

Sunday 15 June 2014

C.E Reading - TELItime

1. What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable?2. What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?3. How long did it take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people?Answers1. Malavath "conquered" the summit of Mount Everest. Meera Dolasia (The author) thought this was "spectacular" because she was only 13 years of age.2. Malavath was one of the twenty selected for a professional training at the Darjeeling Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and was picked to do the "adventurous" climb. Malavath got altitude sickness and had to return to base camp.

3. It took the team of 6 to get up the summit in 52 days (7 weeks 4 days). She had altitude sickness when she reached advanced base camp.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Who are these people?

Bill Apiata.jpg

Bill Henry (Willie) Apiata:
He served the army for 23 years and fought in 2 wars. The war in Afghanistan and The East Timor.
He was born on the 28th of June 1972. He is ranked corporal in the NZ Army.

Willie Apiata is famous because he earned VC and because he put his friend in danger on the front line and he was known as a hero.
Jerry Mateparae.jpg

Sir Jerry Mateparae:
He was born on 14 November 1954. He earned 12 medals and the honour of being called Sir

Sir Jerry Mateparae is famous because he earned the title of a Sir. He is New Zealand's 20th and Niue's 9th governor general.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Student led Conferences

Matthews Opinion - I reckon it went very well and was very quick. And I also like that my teacher said that I may be able to get into the top 3 classes in BC (Boys College). Mums Opinion - I was pleasantly surprised at the interview. Matthew is quite hard on himself and from what he was saying I wasn't sure how well he was doing at school. Andrew and I are very proud of his efforts and we hope he keeps it up for the rest of the year.

Thursday 20 March 2014

A day about water

On thursday in week 7 of term one 5 people from room 41 and 42 went to Pongaroa and we learnt about water and how we could help to keep it clean. It was around about a 2 hour drive from here to Pongaroa and we took a bus. We also picked up some people from other schools. Once we did that we headed to our destination. On the bus ride we sang, played games and had some fun.

Once we got there we got introduced to the people that were running the place. We also had a chance to go into the long drop which smelt really bad. Once we got introduced we headed off to our first activity

For our first activity we put balls that you find in a ball pit into the river and we had to catch them we wrote different things that could pollute the rivers and caught them.

For our second activity we found bugs and saw if the water was good or not. The water turned out to be mot likely good.

For our third activity we had to plant some plants and trees to make sure the river got shade and birds in the forest got trees and stuff.

For our fourth activity we did the big drain game it was really cool.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Homework Task

Technology - Art


Tuesday was our first lesson for art. We had to draw what we saw using a frame then copy it on to a piece of polystyrene. After we did that we then had to put ink on the polystyrene which we then put on a piece of paper. I learnt that this process was called Print Making. Mine didn't turn out that well so I decided to make another one which went pretty well.


The next day we started to do the same thing but instead on a piece of wood we drew our picture with vivid then we carved a tiny bit that we wanted to be white. Once we did that we had to put the ink on it and then we had to press it against a piece of paper and it made a picture. Mine didn't turn out that well at all.


On Thursday we got our e-asttle scores in for how good we did in art. I got a 4B I didn't do well at all. Then we went and worked on our prints. We had to make one print then another section of the print a different colour. I did it with the colours yellow, red and black in order.


The next day we finished off our work and then with white print we put our prints on a black piece of paper. We also wrote our words on the outside of the paper.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Te whare wananga o Te Maro

Tahuhu backbone
Heke ribs

Te whare wananga o Te Maro
Rope Taura every colour of every house
3 iwi
Top one is from takitimu waka
Ngati ranginui
Bottom one is from matatua
Ngai te rangi
Middle one- Ngati pukenga

Nails carvers use.
Displaying 3 tribes.JPG
The front of the whare always faces somewhere north.

Ancestors face to the sun
Head represents ancestor
4 painting tuna crab mako shark tuatara
Names of 4 classes in Matai
Displaying IMG_3723.JPG

This year 7 is trying to help us see what a whare looks like

Displaying body.JPG

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentine's Day

St Valentines was a Roman priest who was secretly organising weddings for soldiers. He was jailed then sentenced to death by the King on February 14th AD 270. We exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers, with our special valentines. A special valentine is someone that you love.

American spend up to 3.6 billion dollars on Valentines gift each year. 50 million roses are sold each year on Valentines Day. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentines day are men and 27% are women.15% of the US women send themselves flowers on Valentines day. Eros is the greek god of love and his roman form is Cupid.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

The treaty of Waitangi was signed on the 6th of february 1840 this treaty was signed. It was signed by 40 chiefs, the purpose of this treaty was to let the british settlers and Maori people to live in peace. I think this plays a big part in this protest. I think that they are protesting because the british stole the land from the Maori people now the Maori People are wanting them to 'honour the treaty' like they should.