Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today at school we had a subject that we did. It was called Dangerous Decibels. A decibel (Or db for short) is practically a way of measuring noise, like how if you want to know what something weighs you use grams or kilograms so on and so on. Anyway what we learnt at dangerous decibels was, what is a safe number of decibels that we can be around. The answer to that is 85 db. The highest decibel that I know something can go up to is 150, I just can't remember what that was that went that high. We also used these things called tuning forks. I learnt that these tools can break teeth if you whack them them put them to your teeth. Also if you whack them against something and then put them to your ear and it could damage your ear.

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